Circular No.46/2020 1st August 2020
To all Units, Affiliates, Office Bearers, CC & GC Members
Dear Comrade,
Office Bearers’ Meeting
An Office Bearers’ meeting of our Federation was held yesterday in virtual mode. The meeting was presided over by Com. C J Nandakumar, President of our Federation.
At the outset, silence was observed in memories of bank employees as well as common people who became victim of Covid-19 pandemic during the period and more than 130 people who died in Assam due to devastating flood.
Since our last OB meeting held in June this year, MoU of 11th Bipartite Settlement has been signed apart from which many important developments took place. The Office bearers expressed their observations and gave valuable suggestions on the matters. The decisions taken on different issues are as under:-
MoU on 11th Bipartite Settlement:
The Office Bearers unequivocally endorsed the stand of our representatives not to sign the MoU on 22nd July 2020. The meeting strongly felt that the MoU failed to fulfill the aspirations of both working as well as retired employees.
The meeting condemned the stubborn attitude of IBA in depriving the legitimate demands of the employees and officers. The IBA, on 22nd July 2020, declined to discuss any issue other than loading on basic pay. The bankers concluded that all other issues were already settled. By that way, issues like Merger of Special Allowance; 5 day banking; updation/revision of pension were closed issues to IBA. The office bearers criticized the attitude of IBA for declining BEFI's suggestion to note in the MOU the version of IBA Chairman agreeing, in principle, enhancement of Family Pension to 30% of last drawn BP without ceiling.
BEFI, during the course of negotiation expressed its principled opposition to introduction of PLI at industry level. The office bearers decided to continue the opposition. The common charter of demands and issues for strike action included discontinuation of NPS in banking industry and bringing all employees/officers under defined pension scheme. The meeting reiterated the demand and decided to continue its endeavour independently as also jointly under the banner of UFBU and/or being associated with TUs of other sectors for scrapping NPS.
The office bearers' meeting decided to continue demanding Merger of Special Allowance with BP; 5 day banking; Updation/Revision of pension as per RBI pattern as also immediate approval for improvement of family pension.
It was decided that all out campaign will be launched immediately among all section of employees/officers against the step motherly attitude of Govt-Banker combine during the negotiation process expressing our demands and oppositions as under. All our units and affiliates are advised to hold virtual meetings positively within next fortnight.
We demand:
Ø Merger of Special Allowance with BP
Ø 5 day Banking
Ø Improvement in family pension
Ø Updation of pension as in RBI
We oppose:
Ø 2.5% loading on BP
Ø Performance linked Incentive (PLI)
Ø New Pension Scheme (NPS).
The meeting further decided to organise protest demonstrations in all State capitals; district head quarters; other possible places by the units and affiliates on 6th August 2020 by displaying the demands in appropriate manner and following extant health protocols. The units will have freedom of choosing convenient dates in case the date coincides with complete lockdown/shutdown in a particular state. It was further decided that campaign posters will be prepared by the Centre; send digitally to the units and affiliates who in turn will circulate the same both in physical mode by printing the same and through social media as well to every nook and corner of the country.
The office bearers did not accept the modus operandi of the negotiation on 22nd July 2020 particularly the way Convenor agreed to 2.5% loading without taking any initiative to reach at a consensus within UFBU in this regard. It also become apparent by the letters addressed to UFBU Convener by some of the constituents subsequent to signing the MoU. The meeting advised the BEFI representatives attending UFBU meetings to address the issue so that democratic atmosphere within UFBU does not get diluted further. It must be ensured that any of the constituents of UFBU, however large it may be, should not be allowed to take UFBU for granted as per their sweet will. The office bearers decided to take initiative for establishing broad based unity within UFBU in the days to come.
Privatisation Move of the Govt.:
The office bearers noted with concern the move of Govt. of India for wholesale privatisation of public sector enterprises including of strategic sectors taking advantage of the lockdown. Of late, news are coming across quite frequently regarding Govt.'s contemplation of privatising some of the public sector banks. The meeting decided to have all out preparations for launching immediate independent action programme against any move of privatisation including dilution of majority stake of PSBs to private entities. Our efforts should also continue simultaneously for holding joint programme under the banner of UFBU and/or with other constituent/s of UFBU whoever will come forward for joint action against privatisation of PSBs.
Observance of Save India Day on 9th Aug 2020:
The office bearers discussed in detail regarding observance of All India Protest Day on 3rd July 2020 by National Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations. Now, the National Platform has decided to observe 9th August 2020, the day signifies the famous Quit India Movement, as “Save
India Day". The meeting decided to advise our Units to remain in close touch with the CTUs and mobilise our members on the day in the joint programme as maximum as possible.
As 9th Aug is Sunday, the office bearers decided to display posters; banners; placards with demands given below by assembling in front of branches/offices before 10 AM or during recess hours on 10th August 2020, Monday.
v Stop Privatisation of Public Sector Undertakings:
v Stop Privatisation of Public Sector Banks;
v Stop Looting of public money through IBC Code;
v Initiate criminal proceedings against Willful Defaulters;
v Recover Bad Debts from Corporate Borrowers;
v Halt Merger move of RRBs with India Post;
v Stop reduction in Rate of Interest on Deposits.
Post Merger Situation:
As per office bearers meeting held in June 2020, a meeting of the Presidents and General Secretaries of our affiliates from the banks involved in amalgamation process effective from April this year was held few days ago. The office bearers discussed the post merger situation in the restructured banks in light of the above noted meeting.
Our Affiliates in these banks will take up immediate issues like harmonization of benefits; redressal of pending matters with the managements jointly with affiliates of the erstwhile banks. The meeting advised all our affiliates to work in a coordinated manner at all levels. In the prevailing situation, adhering to the constitutional provisions of each Union and legal guidelines, we shall have to work for assimilation of the unions in respective restructured entity keeping pace with the ongoing changes. The meeting reiterated its decision of opposition to any initiatives of the banks in closing down its branches; transfer the employees being redundant in the process of marginalisation or any other manifestation of amalgamation. All our units and affiliates must take necessary initiatives in these regard.
The meeting expressed concern about problems in continuation of check off facility in some of the banks. It was decided that letters from the BEFI Centre will be addressed to apex managements of the four banks for continuing the check off facility for some more months considering the problems being faced due to the pandemic situation which is creating impediments for assimilation of our affiliates.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,
(Debasish Basu Chaudhury)
General Secretary
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